About Us

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Organic Cleaning guarantees appropriate tidying up of any room in houses, apartments or officers. Our technicians undergo special training so that you may be sure that cleaning will be provided by the highly qualified and well-experienced cleaners. The result exceeds expectation of our clients.
Our services are provided at any time you need. You should just call our managers and order appropriate package – we propose several package services and you may select the most convenient one. Besides, regular cleaning may be ordered in our company, weekly, bi-weekly, monthly, etc.
Pay attention that our specialists take care of all surfaces (leather, glass, stone, wood, etc.) using appropriate liquids in order not to damage them and obtain perfect results. Those liquids are eco-friendly and absolutely safe for people and animals.
Need your home or office be perfectly clean and tidy? Apply Organic Cleaning! And enjoy the result!

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Building Cleaned


Clients Satisfied




Coffee Served

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[dt_iconbox icon_type=»simplelineicon-docs» iconbox_heading=»Certification» icon_size=»55″]

 Cleaners certified & highly experienced professionals.


[dt_iconbox icon_type=»simplelineicon-like» iconbox_heading=»Fair Prices» icon_size=»55″]

We aren’t cheapest, but we won’t ruin your wallet.


[dt_iconbox icon_type=»simplelineicon-people» iconbox_heading=»Professional Staff» icon_size=»55″]

We are professional and experienced cleaning st


[dt_iconbox icon_type=»flaticon-round27″ iconbox_heading=»Mon – Sun 08 AM – 8 PM» icon_size=»55″]

We are open Mon-Sun


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  • 2566 86 St Brooklyn NY 11214
  • 1-800-669-0060

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